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5 Types Of Headlines That Grab The Attention Of Your Audience Every Time
Headlines! The most critical component of your copy. Lousy headline – lose the reader! While engaging content is a great way to capture attention, provide value to your potential clients and establish your brand positioning, the headline makes it all happen. Your headline is your first and only opportunity to capture the reader. In fact, … Continue reading 5 Types Of Headlines That Grab The Attention Of Your Audience Every Time →
How You Can Start a Fool Proof YouTube Channel for your Business or Brand
Over the last several years YouTube has become a serious marketing platform where businesses are given the opportunity to promote content in a truly visual and highly engaging way. Today, more than 1.9 billion users visit YouTube on a monthly basis and watch billions of hours of videos every day, making YouTube the second most … Continue reading How You Can Start a Fool Proof YouTube Channel for your Business or Brand →
6 Solid Reasons Why You Should Consider Influencer Marketing As a Core Component of Your Marketing Strategy
Influencer marketing is no longer a fringe marketing tool. I see an increasing level of people talking about Influencer Marketing and think it can no longer be ignored. It’s fair to say Influencer Marketing has taken the online marketing world by storm. But, it’s not going to replace Social or Content Marketing, because it can’t … Continue reading 6 Solid Reasons Why You Should Consider Influencer Marketing As a Core Component of Your Marketing Strategy →
Remarkably Simple Strategies Successful People Use to Maximize the Value of Their Content
Least you need to be reminded. People go to your website or your blog because they what to find out who you are, to read or watch something, to learn something, or to look up information. And that takes content. Content gets traffic and traffic earns money. If the content is not a key component … Continue reading Remarkably Simple Strategies Successful People Use to Maximize the Value of Their Content →
5 Proven Ways to Establish You as An Expert In Your Field
Being an expert allows you to become a recognized authority in your field; the person people turn to for advice and assistance. In my experience, experts garner prestige, higher fees, and much more interesting clients. Something we all want, right? Becoming that expert is far easier than you might think. Here are 5 tips to … Continue reading 5 Proven Ways to Establish You as An Expert In Your Field →
How To Easily Get Better Results From Your Brand Without Having To Break The Bank
Branding is more than just a logo. It increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. However, having a (great) brand is only half of the story. You need to use it to make your presence known by placing it where it matters most and … Continue reading How To Easily Get Better Results From Your Brand Without Having To Break The Bank →
7 Reasons Why Public Speaking is the Best Marketing Tool You Can Have
Hands down, public speaking is the best marketing tool in your kit bag. The challenge is to make your communications as effective as possible because it is the first step to making your point. #1 – Public Speaking Sells – If you can give an excellent presentation in front of an audience, then you are … Continue reading 7 Reasons Why Public Speaking is the Best Marketing Tool You Can Have →